This is a cost comparison between a TVS XL worth Rs. 27,000 and an Electric Bicycle worth Rs. 45,000 over a period of 6 years. You will see how much money you can save by switching to electric transport, even though the electric bicycle costs more initially.

TVS Moped

We assume in this example  that you buy a 27,000 Rs TVS Moped with 35 km/L mileage and  ride it an average of 20 km per day. We also assume that the price of petrol will remain stable at 85 Rs/L (local price including oil).

If your vehicle has different parameters, you can adjust for your specific case (i.e. more or less km per day, different vehicle price, different mileage, different cost of oil). Calculations DO NOT include the cost of maintenance, license and insurance.

Calculation period 2 years 3 years 6 years
No of days in the period (d) 730 1095 2,190
Travel per day (km) 20 20 20
Total travel (in km) (d x km) = T 14,600 21,900 43,800
Moped mileage (in km/L) = M 35 35 35
Total petrol used (in L)
(T : M) = PU
417 626 1251
Petrol price (Rs/L) = PP 85 85 85
Total cost of petrol (in Rs) (PU x PP) 35,445 53,210 106,335
Initial cost of moped (Rs)
Moped is not replaced on years 3 and 6.
27,000 0 0
Total cost of moped + petrol (Rs) 62,445 53,210 106,335

Electric Bicycle

The example below assumes that you buy a 45,000 Rs Electric Bicycle, ride an average of 20 km/day with a 30 km/charge autonomy, that you recharge the battery every day, and that you buy a new battery every 3 years. No insurance or license required for this vehicle.

Calculation period 2 years 3 years 6 years
No of days in the period (d) 730 1,095 2,190
Travel per day (km) 20 20 20
Total travel (in km) (d x km) = T 14,600 21,900 43,800
Cost of charging (5.5 Rs/kWh) 2,007 3,011 6,022
Battery replacement at years 3 and 6 0 12,600 12,600
Total cost of electric battery+charging 2,007 15,611 18,622
Initial cost of Electric Bicycle 45,000 0 0
Total cost of e-cycle+battery+charging 47,007 15,611 18,622

SUMMARY – Cost Comparison between moped and e-cycle


Calculation period 2 years 3 years 6 years
Cost of moped + petrol (Rs) 62,445 53,210 106,335
Cost of e-cycle+batteries+charging
(Battery replacement at years 3 & 6)
47,007 15,611 18,622
Savings (Rs.) 15,438 37,599 87,713